Paradise Lost — Medusa
✦✦✦✧ This album surprised me. Surprisingly compelling riffs adorn like filigrees a sturdy base of energetic doom, adding an energy and diversity that I don’t remember from past Paradise Lost albums.
✦✦✦✧ This album surprised me. Surprisingly compelling riffs adorn like filigrees a sturdy base of energetic doom, adding an energy and diversity that I don’t remember from past Paradise Lost albums.
✦✦✧✧ After a downright Otep-like opening, this album settles into an uninspired, wanky power metal mode that bears a vague resemblance to Arch Enemy albums of old. The band can still shred from time to time (and how could they not, with Jeff Loomis joining Mike Amott), but for the most part it sounds like they’re making sure this’ll sound good in the arenas that they’re filling up on the road.
✦✦✧✧ Pathologically bombastic as always, although the extreme metal and symphonic passages are less disjointed on this album than they were on “Titan.” There are pleasant attempts here to push the band’s own envelope of creativity and experimentation, and Logan Mader’s production wisely emphasizes the actual band’s performances more than it did last time out.
✦✦✧✧ Consistency seems to be the name of the game for this Brooklyn trio, and their latest slab of instrumental shoegaze metal can boast the same feats and fumbles as last time. This is engrossing and effectively moody, like the best parts of Isis and Deafheaven. At the same time, one gets the sense from the beginning that this isn’t stuff that’ll easily come to mind when the music stops.
✦✦✧✧ Typically, one doesn’t listen to TAIM for subtlety, or innovation, or expansion of the genre. One listens when in need of a good beating. Well, on this album the Australian deathcore quintet give you that brütality in spades, and they successfully throw in just a little innovation to boot. Still, you can depend on blast beats and breakdowns to carry you through this frenetic fusillade.
✦✦✧✧ This is a thoroughly solid speed metal/melodeath album, with tasty riffs throughout, and top-notch shredding by everyone in the band (who, it should be stated, are the same people behind Dethklok). That said… while this could be thought of as an unlicensed Dethklok album (at least according to Brendon Small and Gene Hoglan), the name isn’t the only thing missing from this album.
✦✦✦✧ This latest album is quintessential Haunted, but not in a way that relies on the proven formula. There is a reinvigorated savagery here, as well as a new melodic sensibility throughout. Those two observations don’t normally coexist well, but on “Strength In Numbers” they thrive in equal measure. I know that, when reviewing their last album “Exit Wounds,” I’d said that it was the best thing the band’s done since “The Dead Eye.”
✦✦✦✧ Cormorant continue their dirty Mastodon-meets-The-Ocean blitz, trading some of their progginess for straight-up sludge. Doubling down on their doomier tendencies seems like a smart move for the band, as it gives them more space to explore and elaborate than ever before. But the last ten minutes is ten minutes too long for this album.
✦✧✧✧ Well, this is at least a little better than the band’s previous album “Dirges Of Elysium.” But it’s still stonily and remorselessly retro.
✦✦✧✧ An old fashioned slab of music that splits its time between deathy thrash and energetic stoner metal, like a bunch of Slayer B-sides as if hastily mixed by Joe Barresi. The title track reminds me of a sloppier Slipknot. But I’m not harshing on this album with any real malice; it’s a fun enough time, in a barroom-brawler way.