
Sacred ReichAwakening

✦✦✦✧ Some veteran thrash bands have come out of their slumbers with attempts at reinventing themselves; not these guys, who are clearly invigorated by the prospect of putting out a fresh batch of the same old shit (for the first time in 23 years). And it’s all still here: Phil Rind’s strong vocals, Dave McClain’s concussive drumming, and shredding guitars by Wiley Arnett and (sole newcomer) Joey Radziwill.


WrvthNo Rising Sun

✦✦✦✧ The band’s eponymous predecessor to this album had a few different sounds in its soup; while I’m not a betting man, I would not have wagered that Wrvth would focus this time around on their blackened-post-metal side instead of their deathcore roots, now a seemingly distant memory. I also would not have guessed that I’d like this album as much as I do.



✦✦✧✧ For an instrumental proggy metal album four years in the making, there’s just not enough “there” there. Sure, it evokes a mood, but the tracks which aren’t electronic filler tend to not go anywhere and leave you wanting more. Not in the good “Encore Encore!” kind of way, but more like “And then what?”


Killswitch EngageAtonement

✦✦✧✧ Sometimes, the KSE formula yields pure gold. This, by comparison, is a bronze album. Not too much to hate on here, but not a lot to yearn for either. This of course will do nothing to dissuade anyone from seeing this as another sign of the decline of this metalcore stalwart, but fortunately that’s not going to stop Adam Dutkiewicz et al from persevering.


ToolFear Inoculum

✦✦✦✧ It’s immediately apparent that this is less a collection of bangers and more a sonic journey, likely intended to be consumed in undisturbed sequence. Any hopes for analogues to “Sober” or “Stinkfist” are bound to disappoint; while the tracks flirt with delivering the metal goods, this album is not mosh pit fodder.


Richard HenshallThe Cocoon

✦✦✦✧ While The Police were falling apart in the mid 1980s, Stewart Copeland put increasing energy into scoring for film and television. One of his first products was a soundtrack for the TV show The Equalizer… an ultra digital, mood- and tone-heavy soundscape with elements at turns progressive, jazzy, and dark.


King Gizzard & the Wizard LizardInfest The Rats’ Nest

✦✦✧✧ I absolutely didn’t want to like this at all… but it’s fun! Dirty-ass riffs, dirty-ass vocals, massive dirty-ass bass… even the production makes a point of being filthy. If you’re not an uptight purist, have even a little respect for a punk sensibility, and don’t mind getting some mud on your clothes, this album may be just the treat you need right now.