

★★☆☆ A djenty symphonic blend of Fear Factory, the Inception soundtrack, and the gothic sensibilities of the movie “Prometheus” (without all the shitty lack of logic). It drags at times from its own meandering aimlessness, but it’s got a smattering of good and heavy ideas.



★★☆☆ There’s a lot to commend this album: it’s djenty but with more fury than technicality (which is a good thing), and it’s high energy and eminently listenable. At the same time… there’s a vague whiff of Korn or crabcore about the whole thing that’s hard to shake. I think I’d feel better about it if I wasn’t so allergic to popped collars, bro.



★★☆☆ To call this simple sludge would be to miss the deconstructivism at work here. Throughout this challenging album, you can hear hints of Catch 33, Suffocation, and other modern metal landmarks… all shat through a meat grinder repeatedly. Definitely something to listen to at least once… although calling this “metal” requires a degree in ethnometallurgy or something.