
Call For Papers

This is right up our alley… especially yours, JaPaBo:

Metal and Cultural Impact: Metal’s Role in the 21st Century

Metal Studies is a growing interdisciplinary field, connected to, though not limited to fields as diverse as Popular Culture, Leisure Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, History, English Studies, Music, Cultural and Critical Studies, Gender Studies, Critical Theory, and Business and Economics.
See the rest here

Say it ain’t so!

Mötley Crüe is hanging it up after three hard-rocking decades. They’re going to play a farewell tour first, though — 70 shows, with tickets going on sale Friday, starting at $15. Alice Cooper has been slated as the group’s opening act. And when they say final, they mean it: The band even signed a legal contract stating that they’re breaking up, and the last tour is exactly that, the group said during a press conference Tuesday in Hollywood.


Doin’ it

Authorities working to account for the tens of thousands of people missing in wake of Typhoon Haiyan are also facing the challenge of getting desperately needed aid into a region devastated by one of the most powerful storms in history.


Band Of The Week: Carcass

So, in anticipation of the most eagerly awaited release of the year, Surgical Steel, I decided to award the mighty Carcass the honors this week. While I have heard Necroticism and Heartwork so often they are imprinted in my DNA, I have only heard Symphonies of Sickness once or twice, and have actually never listened to Reek of Putrefaction in its entirety.