
Re: Re: Re: Help!

Thanks for the fast responses, guys.  This is a bit of an emergency for me!  Zig, I listen to my tunes on an iPod Classic (’cause I’m a classic!) on headphones and on a Bose iPod speaker stand.  I mostly listen to music on headphones and would like to preserve the option to keep my entire library mobile (my commute is an hour one way).  


Re: Re: Help!

Allegedly, there are people out there who are selling refurbished iPod Videos with 240GB hard drives in them. Unholy abortions, these devices, but they can be found. I have even heard tell, in anxious whispers, stories of a mythical iPod upgrade kit available on eBay.

But these options only delay the inevitable (and at cost).


Re: Help!

JaPaBo, I’m sure we can help. Refresh my memory–how do you listen to your music? Is your Pod docked to the Wave Radio? A better option than getting another laptop is getting a large external hard drive (1 Tb will cost you only about $80 or less), hooking it up to your current laptop, and then connecting that to your radio.