Arse’s Best Metal Albums Of 2023
Hey freinds,
Barring any last-minute writeins or surprises, this is my set of the finest new releases I heard in 2023.
Hey freinds,
Barring any last-minute writeins or surprises, this is my set of the finest new releases I heard in 2023.
✦✦✦✧ This is a goddamned winner, folks. Virtuosic technical death metal with surprisingly catchy hooks and even more unique cleans sprinkled tastefully throughout. I don’t know how they manage to sound dynamic while also keeping the foot on the gas. Innovative, groovy, just rad as hell. Also did I mention that Cattle Decap is as gross as ever?
✦✦✦✧ This is clearly intended to be Cattle Decap’s nihilistic master opus, and I can’t fault their approach: capitalize on the winningest moments from Monolith Of Inhumanity and The Anthropocene Extinction, set the action in space, and lace in some blackened death for even more epicness!
★★★☆ You might as well call this “Monolith Of Inhumanity v2.0″… and I mean that in the best way possible. The band have taken the best parts of that previous album, and expanded on what worked before. This is a cohesive, self-assured blackgrind with plenty of twists and turns, but also tons of technical shredding.