
The Kennedy VeilTrinity of Falsehood

★★☆☆ This is an unstoppable juggernaut that nevertheless manages to chew up its own gears. The power, speed, and energy are undeniable. The problem is that there’s just too much material being thrown around here to have it stick with any semblance of flow or continuity. With some self-editing, The Kennedy Veil would be a serious force to be reckoned with.


Abysmal DawnObsolescence

★★☆☆ This should be a slam dunk for lovers of technodeath. And yet, while it hits all the right marks (speed, technicality, darkness, guitar solos, blast beats), there’s something about the whole thing that sounds too familiar, especially if you’ve spent any time at all listening to any other technodeath band of the last three years.


UnearthWatchers Of Rule

★★★☆ Calling this metalcore is a little misleading. Sure, the trappings are there… but this album has as much in common with new-style thrash or some variants of prog metal as anything else (I’m looking at you, Meshuggah, BTBAM, and Exmortus). Whatever you call it, “Watchers Of Rule” is fast, heavy, and unrelenting.


Devin Townsend

★★★☆ This is a challenging double-length release, intended to be two albums in one, each one different in tone and scope. This is asking a lot for a First Listen, especially if (like me) you’re not already all-in with Devy. Worse, the first half album is farther away from what one might traditionally consider “metal” than the second, thereby confronting the uninitiated with the bigger challenges upfront.


ObituaryInked In Blood

★☆☆☆ I want to like it more than I actually do, based largely on the band’s status in the annals of Floridian death metal. But that band seem to have doubled down on keeping their sound rooted in the early 90s. At times, they sound more like Biohazard on this album than Malevolent Creation.



★★☆☆ Oh hey, it’s Kurt Ballou. The sad thing is, the actual music here has the potential to be better than your average doom metal release, but those moments of promise are weighed down by the sameness of the production. The curious result is that, when the band play slow, you’re treated to some interesting dirgeness… but the faster they play, the more anonymized the sound.


SanctuaryThe Year The Sun Died

★★☆☆ I suppose that one needs to hear this album in the context of a well-loved band releasing new work for the first time in decades. As such, it’s a well-made piece of power metal nostalgia, like a new release from Original Queensrÿche or Ritual-era Testament. But those comparisons should also accurately convey just how old-fashioned the album’s aesthetics feel.