
Fates WarningTheories Of Flight

✦✦✦✧ The band’s crazy time signature changes are a little more restrained (relatively speaking; the opening track is largely in 9/4), and their latent power metal side is more nuanced than ever. I’m also detecting stronger undertones of Porcupine Tree and Rush, alongside their signature prog stylings. If you’re already a Fates fan, you’re gonna dig this.


MantarOde To The Flame

✦✦✦✧ This is some delightfully noisome aggression. Self-assured and epic in its scope, the album is like a moodier and darker Entombed. There’s a blackened/gothic rock vibe that brings a smile, if not a full-on fist pump. “Ode To The Flame” goes on a little longer than I’d like, though.


Circle Of DustMachines Of Our Disgrace

✦✦✧✧ Little known fact: back when I was getting my industrial passion project Hagman off the ground, one of my biggest inspirations was the little-known-of producer Klayton, courtesy of his Circle Of Dust moniker. In fact, to this day, every time someone mentioned Cradle Of Filth, I feel an inner twinge, wishing instead that they were talking about Circle Of Dust.



✦✦✦✧ Nasty, sludgy, stoney doom! There’s a soggy industrial nihilism to this band’s sound, reminiscent of Unsane or Eyehategod.  Good lawd is this music heavy. There’s a good 20 minute stretch that feels like one massive breakdown though which may test your stamina.


First FragmentDasein

✦✦✦✧ Imagine if Cynic had decided, ten years ago, to double down on their tech death leanings. Then imagine if they’d released an EP and gone into hiding for a while, quietly working on their craft in secret, before securing a gross vocalist and dropping a masterpiece on an unsuspecting metal landscape.



✦✧✧✧ This latest from Ulver wears its improvisational heart on its sleeve, culled as it is from live jams. It’s good background music, very much in the mold of John Carpenter crossed with V.A.S.T. and Sunn O)))… but it doesn’t scratch a particularly metal itch. It’s more like a rainier Godspeed.