
SabatonThe War To End All Wars

✦✦✧✧ The only thing new about this album from Swedish extreme metal war historians Sabaton is that this suite of songs literally tells different specific stories from the First World War. I guess they just never got around to talking about the Christmas armistice in Bastogne until now. Hate on them all you want, but I think that’s actually kinda dope.


ArkaikLabyrinth Of Hungry Ghosts

✦✦✦✧ Very tasty tech death from a bunch of Californian veterans (Alterbeast, Vale Of Pnath, Hatriot). The music shreds, it’s inventive, and it’s even got groove at times. And I’m glad that they kept the mean and median song length to six minutes; when it comes to metal this frantic, you’re still going to suffer blisters.


Haunted ShoresVoid

✦✦✧✧ Did you know that, before he joined Periphery, Mark Holcomb had started a metalcore band named Haunted Shores? And that, rather than formally ending that group, it morphed into a side project between him and Misha Mansoor? Don’t be minimized by this instrumental shredfest’s small footprint; 37 minutes tends to stretch when it’s almost completely filled with 16th and 32nd notes.



✦✦✦✧ While this is about as metal as Rush, Van Hagar, or ABBA… it’s nonetheless an excellently crafted modern take on progressive classic rock, with a tendency toward anthemic bombast. But quibbles aside, this is likely Ghost’s best album to date. (And honestly, they do get pretty close to actual metal in a couple of places on the album: check out “Watcher In The Sky” and “Twenties” if the hard rock isn’t hardcore enough.)