
SkindredKill The Power

☆☆☆☆ This is an unholy amalgam of the worst parts of the worst things in music, equal parts David Draiman, Biohazard, dancehall, dubstep, and Kanye West at his laziest. Listening to this whole album was a true test of my fortitude, and I kinda hate you all a little more now for being even remotely complicit in my shame.



★★★☆ This little album rocks. While you can still here the sampler quality of this quiltwork EP in places, it’s still generally successful as a document of the band’s ambitions and directions, and manages to be cohesive enough to not be a total dysfunctional mess. It’s also both poppier and more metal at times that Periphery II (with standout tracks “directed” by the band’s rhythm section).