
JuniusDays of the Fallen Sun

★★★☆ This is a gorgeously nihilistic EP with hints of The Ocean’s “Pelagial”, Chino Moreno’s side project †††, and even Death Cab For Cutie when they’re not aiming for accessibility. It sounds like a bunch of things all at once, and at the same time it sounds like nothing I’ve ever heard before.


Morbus ChronSweven

★★☆☆ This is a conflicting album. On the one hand, you get the sense that it does an excellent job executing on whatever kind of music it’s trying to be. On the other hand, it’s not quite outlandish or groundbreaking enough to be notable. Combined, it comes across as a high-water mark of self-informed nonreferential music that’s equal parts doom, sludge, and Southern rock.


ExmortusSlave To The Sword

★★★☆ This album is pretty frickin’ sweet! It’s one long excuse for unbridled shredding. And battleaxes. I mean, I could draw all kinds of comparisons to this one — Racer X, Manowar, Revocation, even DragonForce — but that’s just me talking to your brain, when in fact your heart is going to want to hear this.



★★★☆ I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. Imagine black metal done by Opeth, and you wouldn’t be far off the mark. There’s just enough progressiveness to keep things interesting, but also enough doom to haunt your nightmares. Absolutely a must-listen, especially if you’re not a dyed-in-the-wool lover of black metal.