
AbbathDread Reaver

✦✦✧✧ What happened?! Outstrider was such an interesting and promising evolution of the Abbath sound, itself a sweet culmination and furtherance of Immortal’s journey. And now, Abbath’s third album, feels both less experimental and yet even more detached from its forebearers. It’s also not very intense, if I’m being honest. Maybe this just an awkward teen phase, while the band and music morph into what I can only assume will eventually be a Norwegian black-rock Stooges cover band.



✦✦✦✧ Everything that was ever great about Immortal can be found on this album. But it’s no mere retread or victory lap. Instead, you get a real sense of fun coursing through this tour of true (as opposed to trve) black metal. I couldn’t help but smirk appreciatively the whole time.