This is a response to the Once Sent From The Golden Hall thread.

The Avenger

Estimated reading time: 3 minute(s)

Now, on to 1999’s the Avenger. The opening drum flourish lets you know that, if nothing else, Amon Amarth have raised the production values on this one from the somewhat lackluster sound of their debut album. Other than that, very little has changed on this platter. They continue with their already comfortable midtempo minor key riffing, trademark sound in place. Johan’s voice is still not set in his later low growl, with some more black metal sounding vocal tracks.

Overall, this isn’t a particularly memorable one for me, by no means bad, but not much that sticks. The title track is probably my favorite, and is not dissimilar to Victorious March on the the first album. It’s got a bit of a slow burn intro, and then into one of their short, short short short short, short short short, loooooooong looooooong looooong verse riffs that they pull off so successfully.

Short album, as if they knew they didn’t have too much going on in this one. I have a feeling this BoW is going to be lacking in diversity, but chock full of broadswords and chain mail!