
Re: Re: Re: Loud Park

Thanks for your intrepid reporting, as always. Nice to hear that the Haunted and Kreator ripped it up as usual. I was surprised to see they played so much Dolving era stuff—how did those tunes sound? And as for DT, a 90 minute set is like a preshow warm up for them—they must have had to go to another venue to play another 3-4 hours after Loud Park to make it worth their while.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Help!

If you used iTunes Match, you could then have all your music available to you on your phone by streaming or to download at will. You can still keep everything you have on your hard drive/iPod, but also have cloud versions available to you. No loss of control, probably better sound quality for streaming than what you currently have on your pod.


Re: Help!

JaPaBo, I’m sure we can help. Refresh my memory–how do you listen to your music? Is your Pod docked to the Wave Radio? A better option than getting another laptop is getting a large external hard drive (1 Tb will cost you only about $80 or less), hooking it up to your current laptop, and then connecting that to your radio.


The Avenger

Now, on to 1999’s the Avenger. The opening drum flourish lets you know that, if nothing else, Amon Amarth have raised the production values on this one from the somewhat lackluster sound of their debut album. Other than that, very little has changed on this platter. They continue with their already comfortable midtempo minor key riffing, trademark sound in place.